SIM2 Projector RS232 Control problems

I am trying to control a SIM2 D80e project via RS232. It is currently controlled that way by an RTI setup. I have duplicated the commands, data speed, and control parameters. I have also tried straight thru and crossover cables without success.


Here is the data from the plist file, I know the formatting will be messed up, but here it is:


Root Array (1 item)

Item 0 Dictionary (5 items)

cat String All Models

codes Dictionary (2 items)

Power Off String BE EF 02 06 00 51 E4 48 01 00 00 00

Input 3 String BE EF 02 06 00 6B E6 52 01 00 00 00 00

method String binary

brand String SIM2-RS232

type Number 15

This level of analysis is not easy via the forums. We recommend sending your command set as you have it to support along with the format document you’re trying to match so we can make sure the output is correct.